Dr. Anwar Siddiqui
- Details
- Category: Trustees
- Published on 17 March 2013
Dr. A. H. Siddiqui is a trustee of FCCI. He was associated with the Dept. of Dermatology, AMC, Univ. A'dam, Amsterdam (Holland).
He held the positions of senior fellow: UGC, NISI & NIMSI, India. Fellow- Germany, U.K., Belgium, USSR etc. Wet. Med. & Ist Med. Inst. Farmacology & Binnengasthuis. Hfd Med. Derm. Dept. Derm. AMC, Univ A'dam, Amsterdam (Holland). Formerly Head Div. Exptl. Photodermatology & Photochemotherapy.
He organized international conferenced in: Manila 1982, Moscow 1983, Kuwait 1984, Bangkok 1985 & 89, Australasia (Medan) 1987 , Zagazig (Egypt) 1990 etc.
He is the member / ex member of: Ned.Ver.Derm., Intl.Soc. Derm., J.Amer.Derm.Ass.,Brit.J.Derm., Intl.Soc. Photobiol., Intl.Soc.Pigm.Res, ESPCR,J.Invets.Derm., Arch. Der. Res., Ver. A. A., Ned.v.g.k., Ned. Soc. Biol., Ind. Soc. Photobiol., Egypt.Soc.Derm., ASEAN Soc. Derm. etc.