Mr. Mayur Muley, Director of Digital Platforms

Mr. Rajkumar ShinkarMr. Mayur Dhananjay Muley is an MBA student in 'TIAS School For Business And Society' which is affiliated with Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology. He has a bachelors in 'Computer Science And Engineering' from the Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, and also holds a Post-graduation diploma in International Business Operations.

 Mayur has more than 7 years of professional experience with HSBC Software Development India and Tech Mahindra Limited in the field of Software development. Currently, he is doing a freelancing project in the field of management consultancy.

Apart from the above professional field, Mayur is also active in social and cultural activities. He works as a Music director for theater plays. After learning Hindustani Classical Music in childhood, Mayur performed singing on various occasions back in India. He was visiting professor of Music in Dramalay School of Acting, Pune. Currently, he is also part of the 'Rashmin Netherlands Marathi Mandal' group. 




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FCCI Secretary General:
Dr. Yamini J. Singh

  • Tel: +31 (0) 6 19 35 70 11



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The Netherlands